Fizik Doktora Programı

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Fizik Doktora Programı

  • Program tanımları       
    PHYS 501 Mathematical Methods of Physics I     
    PHYS 503 Analytical Mechanics     
    PHYS 505 Electromagnetic Theory I     
    PHYS 507 Quantum Mechanics I     
    PHYS 591Graduate Seminar I*     
    PHYS 500 Graduate Thesis (M.S.)     
    PHYS 8XX Special Studies     
    PHYS 9XX Special Topics     

     *All M.S. students must register Graduate Seminar I course until the beginning of their 4th semester     
    Elective Courses
    PHYS 502 Mathematical Methods of Physics II
    PHYS 504 Statistical Mechanics     
    PHYS 506 Electromagnetic Theory II     
    PHYS 508 Quantum Mechanics II     
    PHYS 511 Condensed Matter Physics I     
    PHYS 512 Condensed Matter Physics II     
    PHYS 513 Physics of Semiconductors     
    PHYS 514 Physics of Semiconducting Devices     
    PHYS 515 Introduction to Superconductivity     
    PHYS 516 Superconducting Electronics I     
    PHYS 517 Superconducting Electronics II     
    PHYS 518 Thin Film Technology     
    PHYS 519 Surface Analysis Techniques     
    PHYS 520 Applications of Nanotechnology     
    PHYS 521 Low Temperature Physics
    PHYS 522 Advanced Experimental Methods     
    PHYS 525 Atomic and Molecular Spectra     
    PHYS 530 Quantum Optics     
    PHYS 531 Photonic Structures     
    PHYS 551 Particle Physics I     
    PHYS 552 Particle Physics II     
    PHYS 555Quantum Field Theory I     
    Quantum Field Theory II     
    PHYS 557 Quantum Field Theory III     
    PHYS 559 Symmetries in Particle Physics     
    PHYS 560 Group Theory for High Energy Physics     
    PHYS 561 Fundamentals of the Standard Model of Particle Physics     
    PHYS 562 Supersymmetry I     
    PHYS 563 Supersymmetry II     
    PHYS 570 General Relativity     
    PHYS 571 Astrophysics I     
    PHYS 576 Astrophysics II     
    PHYS 577 Galaxies and Cosmolgy     
    PHYS 578 Structure and Evolution of Star     
    PHYS 585 Atmospheric Physics     
    PHYS 586 Atmospheric Radiaion     
    PHYS 587 Climate Modeling     
    PHYS 588 Cloud Physics     
    PHYS 590 Special Topics in Physics     
    Graduate Courses
    Course Descriptions
    Mathematical Methods of Physics I
    Mathematical techniques as applied to the equations of theoretical physics. Linear vector spaces. Calculus of variations. Sturm-Lioville problem.
    Mathematical Methods of Physics II
    Green’s function. Integral transforms. Integral equations
    Analytical Mechanics
    Review of Newtonian dynamics and kinematics, Lagrangian dynamics, small oscillations, Hamiltonian dynamics, canonical transformations, mechanics of continuous systems.

    Statistical Mechanics
    Laws of thermodynamics. Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical distributions. Applications to lattice vibrations, ideal gas, photon gas. Quantum statistical mechanics; Fermi and Bose systems. Phase transitions and broken symmetries: universality, correlation functions, and scaling.

    Electromagnetic Theory I
    Electrostatics; boundary value problems; multipoles, electrostatics of macroscopic media and dielectrics; magnetostatics; time- varying fields, Maxwell equations; plane electromagnetic waves and wave propagation

    Electromagnetic Theory II
    Wave guides. Covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations. Special relativistic formulation of electromagnetic theory. Radiation theory.
    Quantum Mechanics I
    The fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, applications to simple systems, angular momentum, three-dimensional spherically symmetric potentials, scattering canonical formalism, spin.
    Quantum Mechanics II
    Rotations and symmetries in quantum mechanics, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, identical particles, the quantum theory of radiation, second quantization, relativistic wave equations.
    Condensed Matter Physics I
    Principles and applications of quantum theory of electrons and phonons in solids. Structure, symmetry and bonding. Electron states and excitations in metals and alloys. Transport properties. Surfaces
    Condensed Matter Physics II
    Principles and applications of the quantum theory of electrons and phonons in solids. Phonon states in solids. Transport properties. Electron states and excitations in semiconductors and insulators. Defects and impurities. Amorphous materials. Magnetism. Superconductivity
    Physics of Semiconductors
    Electronic structure; electrons in periodic structures. Semiconductor band structures. Pseudo-potential and method. Doping in semiconductors. Optical and transport properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductors. Junction theory. Boltzmann transport equation. Interaction of phonons with semiconductors. Excitions. Semiconductors in magnetic fields. Hall effect. Quantum devices    

    Physics of Semiconducting Devices
    Energy bands. Carrier transport phenomena. Bipolar devices: p-n junctions, bipolar transistors. Unipolar devices: MS Contacts, JFET and MESFET, MIS diode, MOSFET. Microwave devices. Photonic Devices: light-emiting diodes, semiconductor lasers, photo-detectors.
    Pre. PHYS 511
    Introduction to Superconducitivity
    Critical temperature. Field and current. Meisener effect. Penetration depth. Coherence length. Thermal properties. Flux pinning. Tunneling. BCS theory. High-TC superconductors
    Superconducting Electronics I
    Foundations of Josephson effect. Macroscopic quantum phenomena: The Macroscopic quantum model. Flux quantization. Josephson effect. Josephson Junction’s (JJ): The zero voltage state. Basic properties of Lumped Josepson junctions, Short JJs, Long JJs. JJ’s Voltage state: The basic properties of the lumped JJ’s. Effect of thermal fluctuations. Voltage state of extended JJ’s.
    Superconducting Electronics II
    Applications of the JJs: The DC SQUID, RF SQUID. Instruments based on SQUIDs. Application of SQUIDS. Digital electronics with SQUIDs: RSFQ circuits, RSFQ logics. Microwave resonators. Filters and detectors. Superconducting quantum bits. Two level systems. Quantum computation concepts with qubits.
    Thin Film Technology (3-0)3
    Review of crystal structures. Vacuum science. Thin film deposition. Evaporation. Plasma. Ion beam. Sputtering. Epitaxy. Chemical methods. Doping (in situ, ex situ). Diffusion. Structure. Defects. Interfaces. Thin film characterization methods: Optical, mechanical, electrical, magnetic. Integrated device technology.

    Surface Analysis Techniques
    Instrumental techniques for the characterization of surfaces of solid materials.The following analysis methods are discussed:X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), Rutherford back scattering (RBS), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), energy and wavelength dispersiveX-ray analysis; principles of these methods, quantification, instrumentation and sample preparation.

    Applications of Nanotechnology
    Basic physical, chemical, and biological principles in nano-areas.fNanoscale Fabrication. Nanomanipulation. Nanolithography. Top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication techniques. Self-assembled monolayers/dip-pen. Soft lithography. PDMS molding. Nanoparticles. Nanowires. Nanotubes, Nanocomposites. Nanocharacterization techniques. Electrical microscopy: TEM, SEM, SPM. Nanomedicine applications. Nanosensors.
    Low Temperature Physics
    Solid matter at low temperatures. Properties of cryoliquids. Low temperature thermometry. Thermal contact and thermal isolation. Production of temperatures to 1 K. Dilution refrigerators. Adiabatic nuclear demagnetization. Superconducting magnets. Quantum fluids. Superconductivity. Bose-Einstein condensation.

    Advanced Experimental Methods
    Instrumental techniques for the characterization of surface and bulk of solid materials.The following analysis methods are discussed:X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), energy and wavelength dispersiveX-ray analysis; photolitography, SPM scanning probe microscopy, principles of these methods, quantification, instrumentation and sample preparation.
    Atomic and Molecular Spectra
    Review of Bohr theory and Schrodinger equation. Fine structure and hyperfine structure. Zeeman effect. Intensities and multiplet analysis. Selected topics in molecular structure, such as treatment of rigid rotator, harmonic oscillator, infrared and Raman spectra, analysis of band structure
    Quantum Optics
    Review of QM. Harmonic oscillator quantization. Lattice vibrations and their quantization. Electromagnetic fields and their quantization. Number states, coherent states, squeezed states. Optical resonators. Interaction of radiation and atomic systems. Laser oscillation. Specific laser systems. Nonlinear optics. Stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering
    Photonic Structures
    Review of Maxwell's equations, basic crystallography, Fourier series. 1D periodic systems. 2D and 3D photonic crystals. Calculation of the photonic band structure. Plane wave expansion, augmented plane wave method. KKR method. Point and line defects in photonic crystals. Photonic crystal optical fibers. Fermi's golden rule. Electromagnetic radiation in a photonic crystal, and inhibition of spontaneous emission. Various applications of photonic crystals.
    Particle Physics I
    Elementary particles and their interactions, including important features of experimantal data. Classification of particles. Conservation laws. Strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, V-A currents, intermediate vector bosons. Dinelastic scattering. CKM matrix. CP violation; neutrino oscillations.

    Particle Physics II
    Gauge theories. Spontaneous symmetry breaking. Brief review of quantum field theory and Feynman diagrams. The standart model of strong and electroweak interactions. Extended electroweak models. Unified theories and their theoretical, experimental and cosmological implications.
    Prerequisite: PHYS 551 Particle Physics I or consent of the instructor.
    Quantum Field Theory I
    Brief overview of Poincare group, Dirac equation, Noether’s theorem, and canonical quantization method. Feynman rules for scalars and QED, CPT and spin-statistics. One loop effects.
    Pre. PHYS 505 Electromagnetic Theory I and PHYS 507 Quantum Mechanics or consent of the instructor    

    Quantum Field Theory II
    Path integral formulation of QFT. Renormalization and renormalization group. Parton model. Non-Abelian gauge theory. Feynman rules for gauge theories and Fadeev-Popov ghosts. Asymptotic freedom in QCD.
    Pre. PHYS 555 Quantum Field Theory I
    Quantum Field Theory III
    Operator product expansion, perturbation theory anomalies, spontanteous symmetry breaking, electroweak theory, perturbative QCD.
    Pre. PHYS 556 Quantum Field Theory II

    Symmetries in Particle Physics
    Discrete and continous space–time symmetries. Internal symmetries. Global and local symmetries in particle physics. Manifest and hidden symmetries and their applications in high energy physics.
    Group Theory for High Energy Physics
    Groups, algebras , their representations, and applications in high energy physics. Basic aspects of permutation, orthogonal, unitary, symplectic groups. Lie algebras and groups, roots and weights. Wigner-Eckart theorem and tensor methods. Clifford algebras and groups.
    Fundamentals of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
    Overview of observed particles and forces, spacetime and 4-vectors, relativistic kinematics. Brief introduction of Lagrangian formalism, electromagnetis, gauge invariance. Feynman rules and diagrams, cross-sections and decay rates. Overview of basic symmetries; SU(2) isospin, product representations, SU(3), C, P, and T. Hadrons and partons, quantum chromodynamics, electroweak theory.

    Supersymmery I
    Representations of Lorentz group. Dirac and Weyl spinors.a Supersymmetry algebra. R-symmetry and central harges. Chiral superfields.Vector superfields.
    Pre. PHYS 555 Quantum Field Theory I.
    Supersymmetry II
    Supersymmetry and renormalization. Minimal supersymmetric model.s Breakin of Supersymmetry. Local upersymmetry. Super Higgs mechanism.
    Pre. PHYS 562 Supersymmetry I
    General Relativity
    Review of special theory of relativity.Tensor analysis and Riemannian geometry. Basic principles of general relativity. Einstein field equations. Gravitational waves, black holes, cosmology.
    Astrophysics I
    General properties of stars, stellar spectra, energy generation and transport in stars.
    Astrophysics II
    Stellar structure and evolution, Population I - Population II stars, stellar clusters, stellar rotation, stellar magnetic fields, stars with peculiar spectra, pulsating stars, explosive stars, active Sun, interstellar medium, Interstellar absorption
    Galaxies and Cosmology
    The Milky Way - our galaxy, classification of galaxies and properties of galaxies, active galaxies, introducing cosmology, cosmological theories, observational cosmology
    Structure and Evolution of Stars
    Observational properties: determination of stellar distances, fluxes and spectral energy distributions, masses, temperatures, etc. Stellar evolution: Approach to the main sequence: Hayashi evolution. Evolution of stars from the zero-age main sequence. Main-sequence stars and their evolution. End-points of stellar evolution: white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, supernovae. Clusters and their Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, stellar variability, stellar pulsations, binary stars. Applications and comparison of theory with observations.
    Atmospheric Physics
    Composition, species profiles, temperature, pressure and density. Atmospheric thermodynamics. Hydrostatic equation, applications of the first and the second laws, latent heat, adiabatic processes, static stability, equilibrium, water vapor amount. Aerosol and cloud microphysics: Aerosol nucleation and cloud droplet formation. Cloud types. Radiative transfer. Atmospheric dynamics: Rotating coordinate frames, fictitious forces, real forces, equation of continuity
    Atmospheric Radiation
    The atmospheric composition of the planets, and introduction to the physics of the atmospheric radiation. Black body radiation and radiation through gases from the viewpoint of Electromagnetic Theory and Quantum Statistics. The derivation of radiation integrals and energy transport equations; applications to the Earth and other planet atmospheres. Band models, irradiance, atmospheric heating and cooling rates. Cloud radiation models.
    Climate Modeling
    Climate, climate change, and fundamentals of climate modeling. Parameterizations. Biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere interactions, and gridded parameterizations. Climate change predictions.
    Cloud Physics
    Thermodynamics of dry air, water vapor and thermodynamical effects, parcel buoyancy and atmospheric stability, mixing and convection, the observable properties of clouds, cloud droplet formation, condensation, rain in unsaturated clouds, ice crystal formation and growth, rain and snow, storms, weather modification, numerical weather prediction models.
    Special Topics in Physics
    Study of recent developments and advanced topics which are highly specific and do not fit in the usual regular courses. The department solicits student to chose the topics.
    Graduate Seminar I
    Oral presentations on topics dealing with current research and technical literature.Includes presentation of latest research results by quest lecturers, staff and advanced students
    Graduate Thesis (M.S.)
    Preparation of master’s thesis under supervision of the graduate student’s supervisor(s).Required of all candidates for the degree of Master of Science.
    Special Studies
    M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of a faculty member, usually his/her advisor

    Special Topics
    Graduate students as a group or Ph.D. choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member, usually his/her advisor

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