Curriculum and Instruction Master of Science Program

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Curriculum and Instruction Master of Science Program

  • Program tanımları Required Courses

    EDS 502 Research Methods in Education (3-0)3

    An overview of educational research process and procedures; understanding and  developing competence in research methods; application of different research designs.

    EDS 504 Educational Statistics I (3-2)4 or EDS 508 Educational Statistics II (3-2)4
    EDS 504: Basic statistical techniques for carrying out an educational research. Coding and  entering data, use of descriptive statistics for data tabulation and summarization. Percentiles  and standard scores, normal distribution, sampling distribution and central limit theorem,  correlation and simple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing for one and two sample  cases, z, t, F, chi-square distributions, one and two way analyses of variance.

    EDS 508: Students with some educational statistics background learn advanced statistical  techniques with the aid of computer packages, such as SPSS and LISREL. The course focuses  on multiple linear regression, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), repeated measure  analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), factorial analysis of variance, discriminant analysis,  principle component analysis, and path analysis.

    EDS 505 Prothesis Seminar NC
    Development of master's thesis and presentation of thesis proposal. The course involves  design, methods and other matters of concern in the preparation of an acceptable master's  thesis proposal.
    EDS 599 Master's Thesis NC
    EDS 800-899 Special Studies (4-2)NC
    EDS 900-999 Special Topics (4-0)NC

    Area Courses

    EDS 540 Fundamentals of Curriculum Development (3-0)3
    Analysis of the basic concepts and components of curriculum and the study of several  curriculum designs.
    EDS 541 Instructional Designs (3-0)3
    Systems approach to instructional designs. Heuristics for instructional design. Theory  base, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
    EDS 542 Theories of Learning (3-0)3
    A comparative study of learning backgrounds and contemporary theories of learning and  discussion of learning-teaching relationships.

    EDS 544 Theories of Instruction (3-0)3
    Study of the emergence and the present status of instructional theories and the  discussion of the relationship between learning theories, instructional theories and practical  applications.  
    EDS 545 Research on Teaching (3-0)3
    Focuses on a critical study of contrasting approaches to the study of teaching process.  Designed to survey research issues to help students develop a more critical perspective, to  increase awareness of the variety of approaches to studying teaching and to provoke thought  about the relationship between research and practice.
    EDS 546 Contemporary Issues in Curriculum & Instruction (3-0)3
    Contemporary issues in relation to curricular sources and influences. Conflicting  educational theories. Need for a paradigm in the field. Innovations and reforms. Curriculum  improvement.
    EDS 547 Curriculum Evaluation (3-0)3
    Theory and research related to curriculum/program evaluation. Study and analysis of  various standards and models in curriculum/program evaluation. Application of research designs  in evaluation process.
    EDS 548 The Fundamentals of Social Studies Curriculum (3-0)3
    Basic objectives, concepts, problems and issues in social sciences/studies curriculum.  Study of historical developments, related theory and research.
    EDS 549 Teaching and Learning Process (3-0)3
    Philosophical, psychological, curricular applications in teaching learning process.
    EDS 550 Needs Assessment (3-0)3
    Theoretical and practical basis of needs assessment in preservice and in-service training  programs; quantitative and qualitative approaches applied to determining needs.
    EDS 554 Scale Construction in Affective Domain (3-0)3
    Techniques of attitude and related characteristics measurement. Item writing and  questionnaire design. Checklists, rating scales. Statistical analysis of an attitude scale.  Reliability and validity of attitude scales.
    EDS 555 Theories and Techniques in Measurement and Evaluation (3-0)3
    Basic principles of Classical Test Theory. Interpretations of test results. Topics: nature of  measurement, reliability, validity, norms and measuring units, construction of teacher-made  tests, marks and marking systems, recent developments.
    EDS 556 Elements of Test Theory (3-0)3
    Classical test theory, item analysis, test assembly, scoring and equating, matrix sampling,  introduction to latent trait theory.
    EDS 558 Non-Parametric Statistics (3-0)3
    Practical non-parametric statistics including probability theory, statistical inference, tests  on binomial distribution, contingency tables, ranks, Kolmogoro-Simirnov type statistics.  Applications drawn from the field of education.
    EDS 559 Test Construction (3-0)3
    Practicum providing experience in the construction of educational and psychological  measuring instruments.
    EDS 560 Elements of Scaling (3-0)3
    Construction of scales from a wide variety of data, such as "yes-no", multiple choice,  ranking and categorical data. Discussion of the major techniques such as scalogram analysis,  Likert scaling, information theory, methods of ranking, paired comparisons.
    EDS 562 Theory, Measurement and Research in Affective Domain (3-0)3
    Theories on affective characteristics and change, discussion of selected measurement  techniques, review of empirical research on measurement and change of affective  characteristics.
    EDS 564 Theories of Measurement and Research Designs in Psychomotor Domain  (3-0)3

    Discussion of basic measurement techniques, review of empirical research and  measurement techniques used in psychomotor domain. Investigations of change in psychomotor  domain characteristics.
    EDS 565 Practicum in Measurement and Evaluation (3-0)3
    Application of different measurement and evaluation models.
    EDS 566 Elements of Factor Analysis and Related Techniques (3-0)3
    Introduction to basic concepts of factor analysis and related statistical methodology with  illustrations using empirical data on SPSS and LISREL statistical packages. Topics: relevant  matrix algebra and statistics, multiple and partial correlation, structural analysis of correlation  matrices, component analysis, common factor models, comparative factor analyses. Exploratory  versus confirmatory analysis.
    EDS 567 Item Response Theory (3-0)3

    Comprehensive study of item response models and their applications in educational  measurement in relation to classical test theory, including the assumptions of the models,  estimation of ability parameters, calibration of tests. Investigations of model data fit statistics  and other applications. Use of statistical packages, such as BILOG, LISREL, RASCAL, ASCAL.
    EDS 569 Norms and Test Equating (3-0)3

    Concept of reliability and validity. Different procedures for score conversion, such as linear  z, transformations, and nonlinear normalized z, T and stanine transformations Establishing test  norms. Test equating methodology. Anchor test design, vertical, horizontal equating, Current  research in the establishment of norms and test equating.
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