M.Sc. Program in Physiology

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M.Sc. Program in Physiology

  • Program tanımları Physiology

    Involved Faculty Members

    Faculties from METU

    Assoc. Prof. Dr.  Ewa  Doğru,
    Prof. Dr. Feride Severcan,
    Prof. Dr. Huseyın A Öktem,
    Assist. Prof. Dr. Tülin Yanık,
    Assist. Prof. Dr. Didem Gökçay. Institute of Informatics, Cognitive Science Graduate Program

    Faculties from other universities in Ankara

    Prof. Dr.  Tayfun Uzbay, GATA Tıbbi Farmakoloji AD, Psikofarmakoloji Araştırma Ünitesi Prof. Dr. Sirel Karakaş, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Psikoloji Bölümü, Nörofizyoloji Araştırma Ünitesi
    Assist Prof. Dr. Sinan Canan, Baskent Tıp Akademisi,  Fizyoloji AD

    Admission conditions for the field:
    The students who apply to this program are expected that they have taken the following courses or equivalents

    BIO 252         Human and Animal Physiology
    BIO 254         Experiments in Physiology
    BIO 400         Introduction to Biometry
    M.Sc.BIO 500         Master Thesis
    BIO 501         Seminar in Biology

    Required course list

    BIO 409           Introduction to Neurobiology
    BIO 507           Neurobiology
    BIO 520           Biometry

    Selected course list

    BIO 417         Neurochemistry
    BIO 430         Sensory Physiology
    BIO 406         Animal Behavior
    BIO 461         Biophysics I
    BIO 462         Biophysics II
    BIO 547         Biophysics of Excitable Membranes
    BIO 562         Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules and Membranes
    BIO 543         Experimental Enzymology
    BIO 544         Control Mechanisms in Molecular Biology
    BIO 704         Advanced Neuroscience
    BIO 716         Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
    BIO 733         Neuroendocrinology
    BIO 729         Endocrine and metabolic disorders
    COGS 533      Functional Neuroanatomy

    In addition one of the following undergraduate and graduate courses from HÜ PSİ

    HÜ PSİ 458    Psychopharmacolgy
    HÜ PSİ 5XX    Advanced Physiological Psychology
    HÜ PSİ 5XX    Advanced Experimental Psychology
    HÜ PSİ 5XX    Advanced Research Techniques in Psychophysiology.
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