M.Sc. Program in Astrophysics

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M.Sc. Program in Astrophysics

  • Program tanımları DERS İÇERİKLERİ

    ASTR 501 (3-0)3 Advanced Astrophysics

    Basic astronomy and astrophysics are discussed from an advanced viewpoint.

    ASTR 505 (3-0)3 Stellar Atmospheres
    Radiative equilibrium and the energy transfer equation; solution of the equation of transfer; the opacity of stellar material; model stellar atmospheres; the theory of line formation; application of line contour theory; curves of growth.

    ASTR 507 (3-0)3 Stellar Interiors
    The viral theorem and some consequences; equilibrium of a star; energy transfer mechanisms in star; equation of state for stellar material; nuclear reactions in stellar interiors; polytopic gas spheres; stability of convection; structure of white dwarfs.

    ASTR 508 (3-0)3 Stellar Models and Evolution
    Observational approach to stellar evolution; Voght-Russell theorem; some standard stellar models; survey of stellar evolution; solar evolution; pre-main sequence, main sequence, phases of stars; evolution away from the zero age main sequence and the Red Giants Region; final stages of stellar evolution.

    ASTR 510 (3-0)3 Stellar Envelopes and Interiors
    Emphasis will be on preparation of computer programs for study of stellar atmospheres in radiative and convective equilibrium. Students will be guided in methods of stellar model construction.

    ASTR 515 (3-0)3 Galactic and Intergalactic Astronomy
    Interstellar space; galactic structure; rotation of the Galaxy; neutral hydrogen distribution; magnetic field in the galaxy; intergalactic space; clustering of galaxies; structure of the observable universe.

    ASTR 516 (3-0)3 High-Energy Astrophysics
    Cosmic ray data; detection of relativistic particles; supernovae, pulsars, quasars, and X-ray sources; particle and photon interaction of astrophysical significance.

    ASTR 517 (3-0)3 Astronomical Instruments and Techniques
    Discussion of observational techniques in astronomy and astrophysics; review of modern instruments and interpretation of related data.

    ASTR 519 (3-0)3 Spectroscopic Astrophysics
    Discussion of techniques for gathering and interpreting spectroscopic data in astrophysics.

    ASTR 521 (3-0)3 Physical Properties of Close Binary Systems
    Observational properties of close binary systems; the light, radial velocity and period changes of close binary systems; the circumstellar matter; the mass transfer and mass loss in close binaries; origin and evolution of close binaries.

    ASTR 522 (3-0)3 Dynamics of Close Binary Systems
    Figures of equilibrium; the Roch model; the orectical light; radial velocity and period changes in close binaries; determination of the elements of eclipsing binary systems.
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