Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering Program

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Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering Program

  • Program tanımları
    The goal of the graduate programs is two folds. First is to establish active research and technology development programs for identification and solution of current and future environmental and engineering problems. Second is to provide trained human resources with advanced technical knowledge capable of making decisions and directing protects towards solutions of complex environmental problems. The graduate programs offers two major areas of specialization, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Technology. These specialization programs in the department complement each other to an extent not commonly seen in many other scientific disciplines. Under the two major graduate programs research oppurtunities and advanced course work are offered to qualified students in the following specific areas: water supply engineering, wastewater engineering , air pollution and control, water quality management, soil and groundwater pollution, environmental modeling, environmental impact assessment, environmental chemistry and environmental microbiology and biotechnology.

    Ph. D. in Environmental Engineering Program
    ENVE 600 5600600  Ph.D. Thesis  NC 
    CHE 520 5630520  Transport Phenomena  (3-0)3

    6 Elective Courses  
    Total minimum credit: 21
    Number of Courses with credit (min): 7

    Graduate Courses

    ENVE 500, M.S. Thesis, (non-credit)
    Program of research leading to M.S degree arranged between student and a faculty member. Students register to this course in all semesters while the research program or write-up of thesis is in progress.

    ENVE 501, Pollution Control in Sea Environment I, (3-0) 3
    Hydrodynamic/oceanographic characteristics(current, turbulent mixing, density, structure, etc.) . Waste dispersion characteristics. Turbulent diffusion / dispersion theories. Turbulent diffusion / dispersion measurements. Dilution and mixing of pollutants and heated discharges from sea outfalls. Jet and plume mixing. turbulent buoyant jets in uniform and stratified environments.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 502, Modelling Soil and Groundwater Pollution, (3-0) 3
    Mathematical models for flow and transport of contaaminants in soil and groundwater systems. Analytical and numerical solutions of mathematical models. Stochastic aspects of subsurface flow and contaaminant transport. Case studies and applications of selected computer programs to investigate problems of various complexity. Current research topics and directions.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 503, Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment, (3-0) 3
    Industrial wastewater and sludge treatment with special reference to hazardous wastes. Case studies for various industries; characteristics and composition of the wastes and availability of waste treatment technology. Radioactive and thermal pollution contarol.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 504, Pollution Transport in River Systems, (3-0) 3
    Introduction to Advanced River Water Quality Models. General Model Formulation Structures. Constituent Reactions and Interrelationships. Computer Applications to Selected Cases. Uncertainty Analysis.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 505, Industrial Air Pollution Control, (3-0) 3
    Air pollution indices. Planning industrial air pollution surveys; sources, inventories, emission factors, other factors, stack sampling; isokinetic sampling, sampling trains. Area sampling for industrial pollutants. Air quality monitoring design for industrial areas. Various strategies for industrial air pollution contarol.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 506, Advances in Water Supply Engineering, (3-0) 3
    Use of computer models for pipe sizing of distrubition network design; Computer analysis of pipe networks(Lopp and Node Methods; Optimization of Networks with a Discrete Methods; Extended Period Simulation) . Treatment of waters which requires non-standard(special techniques) approaches.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 507, Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment, (3-0) 3
    Purpose and benefits of advanced treatment; processes for solids removal. Processes for nutrient removal. Membrane processes, biological-chemical treatment, physical- chemical treatment. Selecting and combining unit processes to obtain the desired water quality.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 508, Advanced Topics in Atmospheric Dispersion, (3-0) 3
    Review of dispersion characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer. Complex models of dispersion. Numerical modelling techniques. Heavy gas dispersion. Effects of clouds in dispersion. Deposition of pollutants on soil and water. Complex terrain dispersion. Effects of buildings on dispersion. Dispersion in buildings. Design of monitoring programs for atmospheric air quality.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 509, Contaminated Site Remediation, (3-0) 3
    Properties of contaaminants, phase distribution, source contarol; site characterization and monitoring(vadose zone and aquifer characteristics, the extent of contaamination) ; in situ soil and groundwater remediation technologies e.g., pump and treat, capture zone analysis, permeable reactive barriers, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, bioventing, land treatment, monitored natural attenuation; design, operation and performance assessment of the remedial systems; remedial goal and risk assessment; assessment of remedial alternatives, cost analyses; case studies and computer application on remedial systems.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 510, Principles of Risk Assessmentand Management, (3-0) 3
    Assessment of acute hazards of toxic and flammable materials used in chemical industries. Hazard identification using fault trees, and consequence assessment using mathematical models. Physical principles of consequence modelling. Estimation of industrial risks and comparison with other commonly understood risks. Risk management decision making in design of chemical industries and land use planning.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 513, Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry, (3-0) 3
    Description of the atmosphere. Greenhouse effect. Stratospheric ozone. Photochemical smog. Acid rain. Brief introduction to atmospheric aerosols.
    Technical Elective

    CHE 520, Transport Phenomena, (3-0) 3
    Analytical and approximate solutions of equations of mass, momentum and energy transport. Introduction to creeping, potential and laminar boundary layer flows. Description of heat and mass transfer in multicomponent systems. Interphase momentum, heat and mass transfer.
    Must Course

    ENVE 532, Environmental Biotechnology, (3-0) 3

    Advanced biological reactors, enzyme reactors, treatment with immobilized cells and enzymes, biodegradation of unusual compounds and tests for biodegradability, effect of metals on biological kinetics, biological recycling of mineral wastes and residues, thermophilic microorganisms and their application to waste treatment.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 534, Chemical Treatment Techniques, (3-0) 3

    Chemicals for treatment, safety and risk factors. Dosing of chemicals and dosing equipment, material compatibility and material selection for chemical treatment facilities. Methods for chemical treatment of waters and wastewaters. Control over the treatment plant, sensors, capabilities and limitations, treatment plant effluent and sludge management.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 535, Advanced Biological Treatment, (3-0) 0

    Review of biological treatment processes. Mechanism, kinetics and microbiology of nutrient removing activated sludge.IAWQ Task group models for nutrient removing actived sludge. Calibration techniques for the Task group models. Hands-on practice with SSSP and ASIM computer models. Microbiology of bulking and population dynamics of activated sludge. Sequencing batch, GAC and PAC activated sludge.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 538 - Advanced Environmental Chemistry, (3-0) 3

    Nature and properties of environmental chemistry. Ingradients of environmental chemical work, sampling and sample storage, analysis method adoption and standard methods of analysis, chemical for environmental analysis, their grades and purification techniques primary standards in env. chemical work. Case studies.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 539, Environmental Systems Engineering, (3-0) 3

    Handling and treatment of engineering data. Experimental design. Systems approach to problem solving. Formulation of management models. Linear and non linear programming. Selected applications in water, air, and soil quality management, solid and hazardous waste management.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 541, Anaerobic Treatment of Wastes, (3-0) 3

    Anaerobic waste treatment fundamentals. Chemistry, microbiology. Environmental requirements and contarol conditions for anaerobic treatment. Toxic materials and their contarol. Process design. Anaerobic treatment of organic wastes. Advances in anaerobic pond system design. Modeling of anaerobic treatment of wastes. Anaerobic treatment experiences, asapplied to typical industries. Energy recovery and effluent treatment of wastes by anaerobic methods. Anaerobic sludge treatment and utilization of digested sludge. Energy savings in the design of waste treatment plants. Biogas recovery from anaerobic treatment plants.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 547, Marine Pollution, (3-0) 3

    Present health of the oceans. The need of contarol of pollution due to potentially harmful substances in the ocean. Definition of potentially harmful substances; Inorganics, organics, radioactive matter, solid waste. Marine environment as a waste receiving body Environmental capacity. Potential impairment of marine ecosystems and water uses. Case studies.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 703, Special Studies in Environmental Engineering: Fate of Pollutants in the Environment,(3-0)3

    Fundamental concepts regarding the fate of a pollutant once released into the environment. Classification of pollutants, equilibrium partitioning between gaseous, liquid and solid phases: vapor pressure, solubility in water, air-organic solvent, air-water partitioning, organic liquid-water partitioning, sorption, solid-water distribution, partitioning to living media. Abiotic and biotic transformation processes: hydrolysis, redox and photochemical reactions, biodegradation. Transport of pollutants and modeling concepts. Case studies.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 598, Graduate Seminar, (0-2) (non-credit)

    It is a proposal seminar given by the M.S. Candidate either in the second or third term of the graduate study. If available, the candidate may present the initial findings of his/her thesis. Credits will be given upon the completion of the seminar.

    ENVE 599, Graduate Seminar, (0-2) (non-credit)

    This is a second graduate seminar course in the M.S. program. Students register to this course in all semesters except the semester that they registar to ENVE 598 to give their proposal seminar. Atendance is required in this course.

    CHE 520, Transport Phenomena, (3-0) 3

    Analytical and approximate solutions of equations of mass, momentum and energy transport. Introduction to creeping, potential and laminar boundary layer flows. Description of heat and mass transfer in multicomponent systems. Interphase momentum, heat and mass transfer.
    Technical Elective

    ENVE 600, Ph.D. Thesis, (non-credit)

    Program of research leading to Ph.D. degree arranged between student and a faculty member. Students register to this course in all semesters while the research program or write up of thesis is in progress.

    ENVE 7xx, Special Topics in Environmental Engineering, (3-0) 3

    Courses not listed in the catalogue are given as Special Topics courses. Contents vary from year to year according to interest of students and instructor in charge. Courses include various environmental engineering topics.

    ENVE 8xx, Special Studies, (4-2) (non-credit)

    M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of faculty member, normally his/her supervisor.

    ENVE 9xx, Advanced Studies, (4-0) (non-credit)

    Graduate students as a group or a Ph.D. student choose and study advanced topics under the guidance of a faculty member, normally his/her supervisor.

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